How marketing can help grow your business
In an economic downturn many companies pull back on their marketing budgets - some get rid of them altogether. This is a big mistake. Cutting your marketing budget will save you money in the short term but long term it will have a profoundly negative impact on your business. Marketing makes your company visible to potential customers or service users. You can have the best product in the world but if no one knows about it, your business will fail. In a difficult economy finding new customers is paramount to cash flow. Now is the time to take a fresh look at your marketing strategy to give your business the best chance of survival. At the very heart of a marketing strategy is working out who your customer or service user is. Marketing doesn’t have to be expensive. It covers a whole host of activities which make your business more visible.
First make sure you have a website which is fresh and updated. Even if you have a physical shop the majority of us now use the internet to access information on goods and services first - before we even think about visiting the shop. The first time people will come into contact with your business is likely to be via your website so treat it as your shop window. Your business should be clearly and concisely explained. It should make people want to click to find out more. Go and have a look at our website.
Getting yourself or your business in the press will ensure you are visible in the right way and that you are building a trusted reputation amongst your potential customers or service users. PR works by creating a buzz around you and building your brand and reputation on a solid foundation of trust. Many of us feel ‘sold to’ with advertising and don’t always trust the product or service. PR approaches your business differently. It finds the story behind the business and takes it out into the media. When we see a CEO of a business interviewed and giving their opinion, we often trust that business more than If we are faced with advertising. Get in touch with us here if you want to learn more about PR. Let us find your story.
Email marketing:
This is usually in the form of a weekly, bi weekly or monthly newsletter which aims to inform your contacts of your product or service. It is an extremely useful form of direct marketing. According to Stastista, email marketing revenue is estimated to reach almost 11 billion by the end of 2023 so jump on board and get email marketing. We can help you with content and mailing out - get in touch here
Weekly, bi weekly or monthly blogs are an excellent way for you to demonstrate an expert opinion or knowledge on your product and service. You post them on the news/blog section of your website. Blogs are generally 600-800 words long and if they are search engine optimised, which means that keywords are researched and included in the blog, they can be very adept at driving traffic to your website. Get in touch here if you want us to help. We have experience in writing blogs on any subject, as well as SEO trained writers who can help you drive more traffic to your website.
Social Media:
There are 67 million internet users and most of them have a social media profile. Social media marketing targets the right people for your business and lets them know you are there. It allows you to interact with potential clients or customers and start building relationships with them. They may then tell their friends or share your content and you will find that more people become aware of your business. Content and scheduling is key with social media. Let us help you with that - get in touch here.
Ultimately get to know who your customer is, where they hang out digitally and then decide how to use marketing to reach them. You will see a return on your investment in marketing.
Get in touch with Exposure PR if we can help with any of the above. Let us get you in front of new customers.